Community Preparedness for Cyber Incidents (MGT 384) - 20240910

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Brief Description
Community Preparedness for Cyber Incidents
Full Description
Course Description
This 16 hour, non-technical course is designed to develop community leaders and managers and stakeholders to prepare communities for cyber incidents by identifying protection, response and recovery strategies for cyber incidents that are able to be implemented in the community. The course utilizes a team approach to capitalize on the synergy of traditional emergency response organizations, local and state government, military and public and private operators of critical infrastructure, to accomplish this training.
Training Dates
09/10/2024 - 09/11/2024
Based on federal grant requirements IDHS is required to track personnel who attend training that are funded by the Emergency Management Performance Grant.

Please select if you are funded through the EMPG grant - Select "Yes" if either partially or in whole funded.
Registration Dates
12/25/2023 - 09/10/2024
Available Seats
16h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
1610 Reeves Rd
Plainfield, IN  46168
Resources Required
Course Objectives
Utilize processes and frameworks including the Community Cyber Security Maturity Model, to develop and implement strategies within their organization and community to increase cyber resilience
Reporting Instructions
Course times are 0800-1700 EST both days.

Students will need to register on the TEEX registration page as well.

Signup Details


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