Fire - Public Fire & Life Safety Educator I - PLSE1-220017/District 1

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Brief Description
Provide experienced firefighters knowledge and skills to meet min. JPRs as outlined in NFPA 1035.
Full Description
This course provides experienced firefighters the knowledge and skills to meet the minimum job performance requirements as outlined in NFPA 1035. This course is designed for firefighters, officers and non-commissioned fire department staff pursuing a certification as a Public Fire & Life Safety Educator. The course is designed to train and equip students in fire prevention and life safety education. Topics include: a history of fire prevention education, fire behavior, community assessment, injury prevention, juvenile fire setting, learning styles, methods for effective teaching, public relations, high-risk populations, professionalism, developing life safety curricula, and evaluation & assessment.
Training Dates
07/13/2024 - 08/14/2024
18 years old
Registration Dates
01/15/2024 - 07/18/2024
Available Seats
None Specified
Training Location
1331 E. Commercial Ave.
P.O. Box 327
Lowell, IN  46356
Resources Required
Candidates should expect to spend study and practice time outside of class to prepare for the written and practical examinations.
Reporting Instructions
None Specified

Signup Details


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